A Disturbed Business Compass – What do we do now – What do we do tomorrow?

It’s a new operational environment affecting every function within an organization.  What worked well yesterday is under scrutiny strained by under achieved business results.  So, what to do??

Defining a roadmap of business evolution tied to the importance of having a structured organization with focus on the Purpose of Being, a desired operational culture, securing planned results, growth & prosperity with a long-term strategy is paramount.

In conjunction with a methodical and holistic re-examination of the business, a thorough mind mapping tool we have used for decades is a project/scope charter.  Its use can be applied in many ways that drives strategic and tactical thinking to define what to do.  From there, you can define the roadmap and statement of work to achieve a strategic transformation.  It is an implementation for the long-term.

Our working environment has had a hostile takeover by the pandemic.  We now realize many stakeholders that were not previously on the radar.  “Lessons Learned we hope”.

Our work force diffraction is rattling the cage as well impacting effective functionality.  Companies need a more “Lean Enterprise” methodology and strategy to function with fluid/transient resource pools.  Systems & processes need alignment to this new work force.  ‘Not vice-versa’.

One may find that a renewed definition of the organizations top-level goals and objectives to company core values and purpose of being is likely on the menu.

Sourcing & Procurement strategies, acquisition/partnerships for stability may be an option for meeting the aforementioned achieving benefits for both sides of the equation.  Something to consider, and as always, there are pros & cons with any joint venture formation to be considered.

Many organizations are in the waters of not knowing what they don’t know.  Our group of experts are long term manufacturing practitioners that looks at the operational business drawing from a significant pool of experience working for and with OEMs through to the supply-chain.

I always say, choose “the right horse for the right course”.  Every company is distinctive needing a unique and internally driven cultural solution – not just a fix.  As Practioners, Coaches & Trainers, we help organizations bring the best practices into realization.

We hope you find this article interesting, and we look forward to supporting your initiatives.

Richard Lavigne; Founder – LYNXBMG 

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