Team Bio (LYNXBMG)
Kathleen Niles – Bio
Nessis Founder / CQA / Owner-Specialist
LYNX Business Management Group Inc. Partner
Kathleen is an entrepreneur who is passionate about helping businesses evolve to digital systems. Her company Nessis has a unique team to develop the information flow from the various business processes and create a unified global digital system.
Kathleen’s experience in Quality (Internal Auditor) and Process Engineering has provided lessons learned from many different types of manufacturing. Also, as past Chair for ASQ Toronto and Business Advisory Centre Durham, Kathleen has vast experience with all facets of business’ large and small.
Her flagship software Nessis VWI (Visual Work Instructions) was started in 2000 to help the workforce better visualize the process steps required to build products and processes “Right the first time”. This step-by-step process, improved understanding by 65% and reduced overall manufacturing errors. Since that time, additional software has been built to also include Non-Conformance, Corrective actions, Regulatory compliance, inspection tools. All the software being developed is to embed quality into day-to-day manufacturing systems. Current silos lag and do not provide Management with the visibility to make real time decisions.
When deploying local or global digital real time systems, a culture change is required to remove the paper systems and allow for the new management style. Being part of the Lynx Business Management Group Inc. (LBMG), they understand the challenges and we work as a team to properly plan and deploy known industry strategies.
Kathleen’s focus has been within multiple industry sectors from Aerospace, Transportation, Health Care and Food. One main theme appears, when operational systems are digital and visual, companies can create increased capacity and reduced overall errors.
It has been proven time and again that a solid and well-formed foundation makes a well-built structure & Organization. This applies to virtually everything we do in business and LBMG is here to help industries grow and prosper through utilization of our expertise and management services.