Business Management Health Assessment (BMHA)
“Designed for the Manufacturing Industry”
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This week, we are reviewing these business management domains:
- Opportunity Analysis
- Risk Analysis
Building upon Part 2 of this four-part series, we are now getting into assessing influences and elements that directly and/or indirectly influence the organization in almost every aspect of operation, management and success.
We look at opportunities as a process not unlike risks with a similar assessment treatment. Some opportunities may look inviting and something that should be moved upon; however, it is key to understand the risks associated with those decisions including a full evaluation of the stakeholders involved in advance of action.
A good stakeholder analysis is as important as risk management. Knowing your stakeholders (internal, external, competitors, customers, regulators, etc.), is a tactical process and establishing a mitigation plan to position them where you need them. One should not underestimate the importance of this assessment and plan. Stakeholders can make or break your success in the marketplace.
Turning to risk, there are many guidelines for defining what is risk and what is not. It is this writer’s belief that if a risk (an adverse impact) with a likelihood of occurrence between 1% and 50% is a risk. If the risk has a probability of 51% or higher, it is more likely to happen than not and is no longer considered a risk. It should be treated as an ‘Issue’ with applied firm mitigation plans to either eradicate it. If that is not possible, then an acceptance plan to position the company by embracing it is necessary for minimum impact and interference with your business.
These domains are extensive and could be explored in great detail. The combination of risk, opportunity and threats work synonymously in every business. Most of the time, these are treated on the fly as part of daily routine. That is well and fine for experienced business management, however the consequential impacts are rarely clear without an investigative assessment with plans to manage them. The process does not need to be complex, however important to manage with proven processes. Should you wish to know more about these topics, we would like to hear from you.
Extended support by LYNXBMG enables manufacturers like you to execute continual improvement through mentoring of personnel and optimization of your operating processes.
Flexible Product Options:
Client self-performed assessment – Internally managed. Formalized Report-Out.
Assisted assessment – Leave the process to us – 3 Day on-site process with a LYNXBMG Business Development Expert to manage and document a deep dive of your operational business. Formalized Report-Out and Roadmap to develop the business.
With a completed BMHA, we guarantee leadership will have clarity on:
- The level of congruence within the functions planning, managing, and controlling the company.
- The level of congruence and integration of the management processes used to drive the company.
- The alignment of the business plan to the company’s core objectives.
- Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the company.
- Opportunities for cost reduction and performance improvements affecting overall equipment efficiency (OEE).
- Procurement and purchasing leverage opportunities.
- Operations and Quality Assurance alignment.
- Organization readiness & prioritization of what to focus on to develop the business.
- Progressive steps to achieving a lean enterprise.
- Expected ROI from development actions taken ~ 500+% based on OEE improvement to manufacturing quality, efficiency, resource allocation & management processes.